Monday, February 7, 2011


Well tomorrow I won't be updating. (Like you care? haha)
My cousin is coming over for the night. Well she's coming at 8 in the morning!
So it will be an all day event.
Shes really overweight and has been feeling really badly about herself.
I'm going to try and lift her spirits and help her get on a good mindset & perhaps eating plan.

I love her. We've been gas & match since the beginning of my life!

So I will teach her some things, not how to starve yourself. Not restriction. I would never help someone get this disease.

But I will teach her how to make SMART choices! I will tell her the significance it will make if she just switches to mostly veg & fruits diet. with lean meats only.

I will encourage her to workout 3 times a week, in her home gym,
I will be her support.

cheers ladies :)


  1. Awh, that so nice that you are so supportive!
    I hope you teach her well (:


  2. I do care Missy!!! Good luck hun lol xxx
