Saturday, February 12, 2011

lost 5 pounds!

I lost 5 pounds in 6 days. Damn straight! :D.
So now i am 135. I want to lose atleast 10 more by March 17th. I think thats MORE than doable.

yay! :D.
Start work today also. And I also made an extra 20 bucks by helping my dad out with some crap .. Life is good.

Oh and my boyfriends mom is nuts.
I really hope shes not playing mind games with zach to try and get him to break up with me..

Whatever though! My life does not depend on another person! If he broke up with me I would simply continue to thrive and leave him with the words that he should remember he did it, and that he'll never find someone like me again.

lifes good. Im excited to save $ and move to MB !



  1. That's so amazing!!!! Good no great job!!!!

  2. GOOD JOB!!!! :D

    and congrats on the new job. :) Money is nice.. lol

    and about the boy - If he breaks up with you, then just move on... :) the right guy will come around eventually... <3

  3. thanks guys!
    & yes i know about moving on but we've been dating 4 years! So its hard to imagine anyone else.. but i know if it happens i will be fine.. im a strong girl like that :P
