Sunday, February 13, 2011

I think we broke up

I think we broke up.
Well. When he called me this morning I asked to talk, and I explained how lately he makes me feel kind of neglected and unimportant (and i had PLENTY of reasons to back this up it was not in my head!) and yeah, i was crying and i said " If youre going to break up with me then just do it, dont drag it out" and he said "Ill let you know tonight" !! Like wtf! So I was like "wow, you actually have to think about it? that pretty much answers the question" and i hung up on him.
no call back.

im not calling him. he didnt even care about how he's been making me feel, he just got all defensive and rude! If you cared about me you would say youre sorry !! even if you didnt intend for me to feel this way you could say sorry you didnt know i would take it that way. but no. you got angry and defensive and didnt give a fuck how i felt.

fuck men. breaking up the day before vday. Oh & i hope he feels like a complete piece of shit when he gets his surprise valentines day present from me in the mail.

pissed off. i have no appetite though. but my backs killing me so i didnt work out.
i only ate 190 cals tho,



  1. I hate men most of the time lol but don't worry babe your better without. I have someone on valentines day and it still sucks!! Lol go find a random and rock his world hahah I'm glad your being strong tho their are plenty of fish in the sea babe and good job on low cals!!!xox

  2. Men, yeah they suck.

    If he has to think about it... then something is not right. I just went through something similar... and I am now completely single - and I am telling you, I am so stress free and happy and can concentrate on my job...

    One day, the right guy will come... promise...
